How to Get Rid of Permanent Hair Coloring?

How to Get Rid of Permanent Hair Coloring?

You may want to get rid of your permanent hair color for several reasons. It has aged, disgorged, or we are tired of it… Thanks to a few infallible tips, getting rid of your hair color quickly is possible.

How to get rid of a permanent black color?

The darkest color there is, black coloring is a good option if you already have dark hair. On discolored hair, on the other hand, beware of unpleasant surprises.

So if you have opted for a black color and regret your choice, the only way is to go to a professional hairdresser.

To get rid of it, the hairdresser will carry out a scrub to eliminate the dark pigments until obtaining a lightening background.

Thus, the pigments will come off and let the color you had before the permanent color reappear.

How to remove permanent red hair color?

To remove its permanent red coloring, proceed with the black coloring. It is, therefore, necessary to go to a professional to erase the pigments.

But another technique exists. If you want to eliminate the red color, you can recolor your mane in a shade at least 2 shades darker than your red with matte reflections to neutralize the red pigments.

What technique to remove a semi-permanent hair color?

Semi-permanent hair color has no oxidation.

So, the good news is that if you don’t like your color, it will last up to twenty shampoos (at the most), depending on your chosen brand.

After washing your hair, the pigments will gradually disappear, giving way to your natural hair color.

What hair do scrubs remove the color of?

You can make a hair scrub mixed with bleaching and oxidizing products to eliminate color.

 You can also add care to protect the hair.

 This is the only way to remove artificial pigments; otherwise, you must let your hair grow.

Which vinegar removes hair coloring?

If you have a small budget and want to remove your permanent color quickly, bet on white vinegar.

Indeed, the acidity of this vinegar will oxidize your dye and thus erase your hair color in a snap of the fingers.

How to proceed? Mix white vinegar with water in the same quantity. Apply to dry hair and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water and your usual shampoo.

Be careful; however, if you feel small tingling, stop, rinse immediately and consult your doctor.

In addition, after using white vinegar on your hair, remember to moisturize and nourish it daily.

Regularly use nourishing masks after your shampoos. Also, consider vegetable oils (like coconut oil ) to care for your mid-lengths and ends.

Homemade recipes to remove color

If you want to get rid of the coloring, you have just done it.

Prepare a mixture of dandruff shampoo and baking soda.

Pour an equal amount into a bowl.

Apply all over the hair, and lather as usual.

Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

The color should bleed.

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